Akira Miyamoto

Professor, New Industry Creation Hachery Center (NICHe),
Tohoku University



Brief Biography

Prof. Akira Miyamoto graduated from Suzuka College of Technology in 1968. He was incorporated into

the Department of Applied Chemistry, Tohoku University where he completed his studies and was awarded

a Doctor of Engineering degree in 1975. The same year he joined the Department of Synthetic Chemistry,

Nagoya University, where, as a research associate, he was engaged in catalyst research for environmental



He then joined the Department of Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Kyoto University to finally become a full Professor at

the Department of Molecular Chemistry & Engineering, Tohoku University in 1992. After more than 20 years

dedicated to the experimental study of catalysts, he threw away all the apparatuses he had been using so far to undertake a brand new research project in the nascent field of computational chemistry. In 2002 he also became

a full professor at the New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe), and in 2004 he led the installation of

the industrial endowed chair for Combinatorial Chemistry at Tohoku University. He was then appointed

distinguished professor in 2008, and director of NICHe in 2009(-2010). He was leading the NEDO project that

attempts to reduce the use of cerium as automobile exhaust gas catalysts through 2011 fiscal year.


Still now on, this year, he has been leading a few national projects in order to be a help for reconstructing

devastated Tohoku, and more over, he is passionate about research works contributing to a better world.


Research and Professional Experience









Professor, NICHe, Tohoku University

Director of NICHe

Distinguished Professor, Tohoku University

Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Professor, School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Visiting Professor, Res. Lab. of Engineering Materials, Tokyo Inst. of Technol.

Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University

Research Associate, School of Engineering, Nagoya Universtiy






Ph.D. Engineering, Tohoku University

M. Engineering, Tohoku University

BE. Applied Chemistry, Tohoku University