


Theoretical approach to amine reaction with integrated computational chemistry methods
CSIRO-RITE科学技術シンポジウム<Kyoto, JAPAN>
May 26 2009

Akira Miyamoto


Experiment Integrated Multi-Level Computational Chemistry for Tribology
Tribochemistry Kyoto 2009 <Kyoto, JAPAN>
Sep. 2 2009

Akira Miyamoto



New Horizons in Tribology: The Computational Chemistry Paradigm
World Tribology Congress 2009 <Kyoto, JAPAN>
Sep. 6 2009

Akira Miyamoto



Experiment Integrated Multiscale Computational Chemistry for Theoretical Design of

Functional Polymers
Tohoku-INSA Workshop onAdvanced Process and Characterization of Polymer Structure

and its Relevance to Functional and Structural Properties of Polymer <Sendai, JAPAN>
Oct. 28 2009

Hiromitsu Takaba






Multi-level Combinatorial Computational Chemistry Approach for Dialectric Materials
14th US-Japan Seminar <Oregon, US>
Oct.11 2009

Akira Miyamoto


Ultra accelerated molecular dynamics study on electronic structure and luminous efficacy of

PDP protecting layer
IMID/IDMC/Asia Display 2009 <Ilsan, Korea>
Oct.12 2009

Hiromitsu Takaba



Experiment Integrated Multi-level Combinatorial Computational Chemistry for

Design of Functional Materials
IUPAC 5th International Symposium on Novel Materials and their Synthesis (NMS-V) &

19th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XIX)

<Shanghai, China>
Oct.18 2009

Hiromitsu Takaba