1 | Theoretical
approach to amine reaction with integrated computational chemistry
2 | Experiment
Integrated Multi-Level Computational Chemistry for Tribology
3 | New Horizons in Tribology:
The Computational Chemistry Paradigm
4 | Experiment Integrated Multiscale Computational Chemistry for Theoretical Design of Functional Polymers and
its Relevance to Functional and Structural Properties of Polymer
<Sendai, JAPAN>
1 | Multi-level Combinatorial
Computational Chemistry Approach for Dialectric Materials
2 | Ultra accelerated molecular dynamics study on electronic structure and luminous efficacy of PDP protecting layer
3 | Experiment Integrated Multi-level Combinatorial Computational Chemistry for Design of Functional
Materials 19th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XIX) <Shanghai, China>