1 | 活性点の解析に役立つキャラクタリゼーション
2 | 固体内励起エネルギー移動に関する電子状態計算
3 | Multi-level Computational
Chemistry Methods for Green and Sustainable Chemistry
4 | 理論的計算化学から視た電池の可能性 科学技術未来戦略ワークショップ「次々世代二次電池・蓄電デバイス技術」 平成23年1月27日 宮本 明 |
1 | Frontier of
Multi-Level Computational Chemistry in Catalysis <Madras, India>
2 | Computational Chemistry as Practical Solution to Industrial Problems: Present States
and Future Prospects
3 | Enabling and investigative
tools: theory, modeling, and simulation Moderators US-Japan-Korea-Taiwan Workshop <Tsukuba, Ibaraki>
4 | Development of The Ultra Accelerated Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Simulator and Its Application to Next Generation CMOS Technologies
5 | Theoretically estimated power generation characteristics of PEFC through 3D-analysis of mass transportation in the catalyst
layer <Hawaii, US>