


Application of Computer Graphics and Molecular Dynamics to Catalyst Design
The 7th Seminar on Science and Technology ROC-Japan Joint Workshop on Catalysis
<Taipei, ROC, December 10-11, 1992>
Invited Paper

Akira Miyamoto



Structure and Dynamics of Heterojunction in Epitaxial Films as Investigated

by Molecular Dynamics and Computer Graphics
World Tribology Congress 2009
<Kyoto, Japan, October 4-7, 1992>
Invited Paper

Akira Miyamoto



Structure and Dynamics of Heterogeneous Catalysts as Investigated

by Molecular Dynamics and Computer Graphics
The Second International Conference & Exhibition on Computer Applications to

Materials and Molecular Science and Engineering
<Yokohama, Japan, September 22-25, 1992>
Invited Paper

Akira Miyamoto



Role of Zeolite Framework in CuZSM-5 Catalysts for Direct Decomposition of

NO as Investigated by Molecular Dynamics and Computer Graphics
203rd American Chemical Society Meeting Catalysis Session
<San Francisco, USA, April 2-5, 1992>
Invited Paper

Akira Miyamoto